Meetings are held at the Liverpool Seafarers’ Centre, 20 Crosby Road South, Liverpool, L22 1RQ
Meetings begin at 1900 hours and entrance fee for members is £2 and for visitors £3.
Tuesday 11th February
Isle of Man Steam Packet Company, Manxman and the Scottish Connection
by Iain Quinn – Coastal Cruising Association and Clyde River Steamer Club
Tuesday 11th March
Liverpool Docks in the 1960’s – slides taken by the late Peter Wynne
by Jim Charnock, WSS Manchester Branch
Tuesday 8th April
Railways at Sea – East Coast Railway Shipping and Associated Fleets
by John Hooley, Macclesfield
Tuesday 13th May
Aboard Cunard’s Queen Victoria on Three Queens’ Day 2015
by Philip Parker, WSS Merseyside Branch
Tuesday 10th June
Memories of the Cunard Group Ships from Service as an Engineering Officer
by Stan Tedford, WSS North Wales Branch
Tuesday 8th July
Branch A.G.M. followed by Members’ slides or Images
Tuesday 12th August
The slides of the late Fred Kissack (WSS Isle of Man member for many years) by Adrian Sweeney, WSS Merseyside Branch
Tuesday 9th September – No Meeting This month the Merseyside Branch will be concentrating on the North West Ship Show
Saturday 27th September
North West Ship Show at Old Christ Church, Waterloo Road, Liverpool, Merseyside, L22 1RF.
Doors open at 10:00 hours.
All enquiries to the Hon Treasurer at
Tuesday 14th October
Slides from the Les Hodder Collection of ships taken at his favourite location of Eastham Locks
by Jim Charnock, WSS Manchester Branch
Tuesday 11th November
The Construction and History of the Panama Canal based on Geoff Timmington’s Research
by Keith Hick, Southport
Tuesday 9th December
Irish & Celtic Sea Shipping – the Pre-digital Era
by John Luxton, WSS Merseyside Branch
Tuesday 10 February – First Meeting of 2026 Season